For All The Mother: What Are The 'Other' Signs That Your Baby Is Choking.
For All The Mother: What Are The 'Other' Signs That Your Baby Is Choking.
Babies’ and toddlers’ airways are tiny and vulnerable to any food that's got into — plus they put everything in their mouths! Choking occurs when something lodges in a child’s airway and blocks the flow of oxygen.
Food is the most common cause of choking in young kids and babies. Kids need to learn how to chew and swallow effectively. Too-big chunks of food can also cause a choking episode, as can accidents with nonfood items.
It’s best to keep all potential choking hazards, including small toys and household objects, out of baby’s reach.
What are the signs that your baby is choking?
These include:
- Coughing, either forcefully or weakly
- An inability to cough, speak, cry or breathe
- Making high-pitched noises
But unlike this story, her baby was not choking, her baby was happy playing and breathing. But she knew something was wrong with baby. Even her husband thought she's just being exaggerated when she decided to bring her baby to emergency. Luckily she was right. Read her story for all the mother out there.
Important warning from a Leaky who shared her story with us. Her little one is ok, she's checking diapers waiting for it to pass at this point but wanted to let other parents know these signs.
***Content Warning- baby in peril***
I have never been the type who makes "going viral" a goal of mine, but I really want to spread the word about this experience. So many people, even the hospital staff, have asked me how I knew 12 month old (he just turned one on Sunday!) Abel had something stuck in his throat.
It dawned on me that we all know the signs of choking, but what about when baby isn't choking, but something is still very wrong? When I told some staff members about how he was acting, even they said they wouldn't have thought something was wrong. Honestly, had I not read a post from a friend only a few weeks prior, where she experienced something similar to this, I wouldn't have had any idea what was going on. I would have assumed that Abel had a stomach bug or maybe his reflux was bothering him. Because he was not choking. He was babbling, and happy, and breathing, and his coloring was just fine. What was happening though, was he was opening his mouth really wide for seemingly no reason. He was spitting up clear bubbles, but not yet throwing up. At first, I attributed the color to his recent increase in water intake, since we've been weaning from nursing. And he wasn't spitting up a lot, either. But then I remembered my friend's post. I remembered how she noticed something shiny in the back of her baby's mouth after he had been acting the same way, and pulled out a piece of plastic. I remembered that, and I just knew something was very wrong.
Now admittedly, I had pulled something small out of his mouth earlier, so I had no idea it was a button caught in his throat, but I knew something was there. Even my husband thought I was overreacting at first. In the ER, we weren't treated with urgency at first, and I became impatient. The ER doctor listened to him, and said he sounded fine. His oxygen stats were great. He wanted to wait and observe, but I insisted on an X-ray. At that time, I thought it might be a small piece of plastic, and he assured me that even if plastic was caught in his throat, we wouldn't be able to see it on the X-ray. He looked down Abel's throat, and didn't see anything, but then Abel spit that clear foam up again. I asked again for the X-ray, and he agreed. On the way to X-ray, Abel threw up a LOT. It was all clear, with more foam. The X-ray techs were amazing and after the first picture, said "Hey Mom, do you want to come look?" The way she said it made it sound almost like there was nothing there and she was just trying to reassure me.
Now I know she was just trying to keep me calm. This is not the actual button, that's still inside him, but it's another extra we have for my husband's uniforms. The doctor confirmed today that this was the same type and color, so I wanted to include a photo of it for size. Thankfully, Abel is going to be ok.
To recap, the signs were:
Opening his mouth wide, occasionally with a little cough.
Clear spit up with bubbles that eventually turned into full blown vomiting.
That was it. Those little signs. Those little signs that any mother could have assumed meant something totally harmless. Im making this post public so that my friends can share, because I want to get the word out on this non-choking experience and what to watch for. I know that acting fast and trusting my gut is what prevented this from having a horrible outcome.
***Side note, in post-op I went to nurse him to comfort him, and the nurse immediately covered us up with a blanket. I was so puzzled, and she pointed to a male nurse in the recovery ward, but I told her it was fine, and then SHE seemed puzzled. Turns out, that male nurse had 3 grandkids that were/are all breastfed (or boob babies as he called them) and he was super supportive and even let us stay in the recovery ward longer than we were supposed to because Abel was so content to just rest and nurse.
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For All The Mother: What Are The 'Other' Signs That Your Baby Is Choking.
Reviewed by Tunying
August 22, 2017